ADVANCED: You Participate in business meetings and debates; you understand a broad range of general and abstract topics; you write formal and informal notes and summary documents (equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark 9).
HIGH INTERMEDIATE: You understand technical conversations and reading material in their line of work; asks questions, analyzes and compares information in order to make decisions (equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark 8).
INTERMEDIATE: You understand the main points and important details of a conversation and can write routine business correspondence; you are able to participate in small group discussions and express opinions and reservations about a topic (equivalent to Canadian Language Benchmark 7).
LOW INTERMEDIATE: You understand and participate in everyday conversation; you understand and utilize limited abstract language; you read texts of a few paragraphs and understand main points; you can write short letters or notes on familiar topics (at least Canadian Language Benchmark 5).
BASIC: You can read basic texts no longer than a couple short paragraphs; you ask and answer common questions; you write simple sentences about yourself and your family (at least Canadian Language Benchmark 3).